Why we should trust global entrepreneurs

Why we should trust global entrepreneurs

40 year's experience in challenging times

Traduit par : Rhonda Campbell, : Hervé Couvert


Big companies get bad press. Globalization is the root of all evil. Capitalism is scorned by all. However, the bad behavior of some should not ruin things for all. There are many people who get real personal satisfaction from business by building trusting relationships.
This journey, that many experience but few put in words, is the subject of Xavier Fontanet's book. His years spent working in the market economy have led him around the world to discover many new cultures. He tells us his story, which is not just about figures, with energy and conviction, while describing the murky world of multinationals with perfect clarity. Loving your job and loving your fellow human beings is not as impossible as it is made out to be.

2010 Prize for Economic Excellence


Biographies Contributeurs

Xavier Fontanet

PDG d’entreprise, Xavier a connu des PME et des grands groupes internationaux ; il a été le PDG du groupe Essilor durant dix-neuf ans et en a fait le leader mondial de la fabrication du verre. Il a également siégé durant de nombreuses années dans les conseils d’administration de L’Oréal, de Schneider Electric, du FSI et du Crédit Agricole. Il a été membre des commissions Pébereau et Attali.

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